October - 2011


The reinforcement of the pre-contractual information of Life assurance contracts

An order dated October 3, 2011 concerning the pre-contractual information of Life assurance contracts has just been published to the “Journal Official” of October 12th, 2011.

Before, in the field of subscription of Life assurance contracts, the insurer was obliged to provide the subscriber in particular a “simplified leaflet" recapitulating the main characteristics of the contracts in unit of account.

This leaflet is now replaced by the "key document for the investor " and, for every unit of account in the form of part or of share of OPCVM, mentioned in the 7°ter of R 332-2 of the Insurance Code, the insurer will have to provide in addition "a detailed note ". Several articles of the French Insurance Code are modified, among which the fourth paragraph of the appendix in the article A 132-4 and the article A 132-6 of the saif Code which describes the characteristics of the contract.

This last text is completed by a paragraph reminding that the information concerning the main characteristics of the contract has to be "at least equivalent to those mentioned in the key document for the investor ". The insurers, whose pre-contractual obligation in Life assurance keeps increasing towards the subscribers, have until 1st July, 2013 to comply with this new order.

pre-contractual,life insurrance

Files: Arrete__03_10_2011_01.pdf